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Daytime activities.

When a child can no longer benefit from regular primary education due to developmental delays and/or (suspected) disorder(s), there is a great risk that the child will end up (completely) at home. Many children and parents face long waiting lists, which creates a risk of overburdening parents/caregivers and stagnation of the child's development. Within Move2Skool day care, we offer day care for children aged 4 to 12 years old 5 days a week, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Move2skool is happy to offer a helping hand, offering bridging care for this target group with an eye for the child.

Our daytime activities serve as a bridge until the child is assigned a place at another suitable organization or (treatment) institution. Our daytime activities consist of individual guidance (1 on 1) with the option of moving on to group guidance when the child is ready for it. A maximum of 6 children stay in this group setting under the supervision of 2 pedagogical staff members. During the bridging process, we pay particular attention to social skills, structure, language delays, behavioral change and promoting independence. We work according to a daily program every day. The programs can be combined with outpatient guidance to implement what has been learned in daytime activities at home. The amount of effort required with regard to daytime activities and/or combination with outpatient guidance in the home situation depends on the request for assistance. This will of course be done in consultation with parents and referrer.

Admission and exclusion criteria

If you are curious about the admission and exclusion criteria, please click on the button.

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